Monday, 26 January 2015

Focus Group + Analysis

This is the focus group that was produced in order to paint a better picture about the target audience after the results was taken in from the questionnaire. We chose only girls to participate as this what the most favored gender seems to be when it comes to fans of horror films, as pointed out by the completed questionnaire. They were all around the age of 17 and were currently in full-time education. These were fans of horror films and therefore, this made the selection of them being used appropriate for the focus group.

Analysis of Focus Group
Overall, this focus group has helped to gain a significant insight into want the supposed target audience sees in a horror film and has indeed helped to contribute to the construction of the target audience profile. The audience used for the focus group were easily able to distinguish what kind of imagery should be used within a supernatural film. They were able to select from a range of supernatural horror film posters on which one was the most appealing to them. From this, we were able to gain an insight on what to include for the design and creation of the movie poster as part of our promotional package.

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